Monday, September 26, 2011


Joan Hough
Joan Hough
Joan Hough is a Southern lady from an old Louisiana family now living in Houston, TX. She is the widow of two decorated military husbands. She proves that not all "fire-eaters" come from South Carolina.

I'm No Watermelon – Commentary by Joan Hough, 1/18/10  (originally found at

Talk about DISCRIMINATION! The Fed's ruled in Feb. 2004 that the term "white pride" is "offensive and immoral, yet “black pride,” “Chinese Pride,” “Mexican Pride,” Black Pride” “Gay Pride,” “Transgender Pride,” “Lesbian Pride,” etc. were allowed in ’05. This information comes to us from a man who declares himself greatly discriminated against. He identifies himself:
“Justin J. Moritz is my real name. I am a retired law enforcement officer and have served as a city police officer, a county deputy, a state special agent, and a training director. I hold Associate, Bachelor’s, and Master’s degrees from three Minnesota colleges.” (Posted on August 3, 2005)

If this discrimination doesn't smack of the rulings made over a century ago by Saint Abraham Lincoln and his "magnificent” Marxist-Radicals during their War and their RECONSTRUCTION DAYS in my South, then I'm a watermelon.
I am now “digging deep" into new library shelves overflowing with books on the RRRRR ("Radical Republican's Rancid Reconstruction Retinue") in the South.
The truth being revealed about the Grand Republican Party's Reconstruction Period in American history consists of a revolting collection of evil perpetrated in the name of a saint and his Republican angels. (Did you know that Karl Marx, himself, taught the word "Reconstruction" to Abe, the irreligious wonder of the North, that great pretender of religious piety? The term was presented via letter from Marx to Lincoln--and no, I'll not bother to look up the reference for this.
My own family managed to survive the Republican evils, but it was not easy. My Dad's grandfather and grandmother suffered greatly through the horrors of the South's so-called RECONSTRUCTION. My great grandmother, especially, went from riches to rags during that period.
I will never forget. No true Southerner should. No true American could.
Most Americans are completely ignorant of the work of the Lincoln Republicans. Most Americans have not even an inkling of an idea as to how terror-filled the "Reconstruction Period" was for Southerners--starving, abused Southerners whose only sin was that they believed in the validity of the U.S. Constitution and their right to leave a U.S. government-turned-radical. Reconstruction was a glorious time, however, for the Carpet baggers, Yankee military occupiers, In-coming Republicans, and happy, thousands upon thousands upon thousands of black sycophants expecting possession of their former master’s land, his home, his white women, his possessions, and his mules.
Marxist Reconstruction meant that the South suffered a mighty influx of Yankees who suddenly, immorally and unconstitutionally acquired vast tracts of rich dirt, lakes, plantations, small farms, saw mills, fabric factories, sugar mills, salt mines, private homes, lumber land, tons of cotton, an amazingly good growing climate, and most of the other types of the South's riches. The new government installed throughout the Southern states by the Republicans produced new state Constitutions written by and voted on by white Southerner’s masters and faithful Republicans.
Confederate Southerners, teachers, judges, preachers, policemen, sheriffs, mayors, judges, school board members, school board members, city councilman, state treasurers, attorney generals, public auctioneers, etc. were not allowed to vote or participate in their South in any legal manner. Jury duty was prohibited them. Of course no man who had served in the Confederate military could vote either. The Kings so ruled. Martial law, martial rule, dictatorship in the nation, Little Kings controlling the Southern states.
The Union Generals were kings in the Southern Districts assigned them by the Radical Republicans. The Kings were supported by their thousands of Lincoln’s soldiers. The kings declared that only Blacks or Whites who had never lifted a hand to help or said a kind word to a Confederate, and “good” Republicans could vote. Only these voters could create and put into effect the new Constitutions the Southern states were required to write before being re-admitted to the Union.
Confederate widows, not able to vote to stick up for themselves, were plentiful throughout the South and, had a bevy of hungry children clinging to their skirts. If the lady had even made a shirt for her young Confederate soldier boy son, she had a black mark against her in the Republicans’ book, and trouble, trouble, trouble at her doorstep. Who could come to her aid? Black rapists? Sneering Union soldiers? Union Men influenced by Beast Butler, still convinced that all females in the South should be accorded the treatment of women of ill repute because one Southern female allegedly spat on a Yankee soldier, and that if this actually happened, the soldier did absolutely nothing, and said absolutely nothing to cause such an un-Southern lady like type of behavior down in New Orleans.
All the world knows that soldiers, of course, are absolutely incapable of lewd behavior,and obscene gestures and remarks—and most especially so, if they happened to be Mr. Lincoln’s Union soldiers.
Louisiana, my poor Louisiana, bore the brunt of Yankee military occupation longer than any other Southern state, so perhaps Louisianans have longer memories of the evils of the grand old Republican Party. My North Louisiana was particularly hard-hit by the Plunderers and, as a result gave the Republican Radicals’ generals more trouble, or so it is said, than they were given elsewhere in the state. Louisiana forests were stripped of their lumber--and any idiot knows how barren land becomes and just how long it takes trees to grow strong and tall and green again. Louisiana’s white Confederates were stripped of all of their God-given rights, including their freedom. Some say they have yet to gain all back again—that even free speech has disappeared again, taken away by modern Republicans and Democrats.
But, oh, how sweetly the renowned historians praise the efforts of those Yankee Generals who governed Louisiana during those dozen years of Hell! How nice it is of these noble historians to praise the Yankee General-King of Louisiana for building, with stolen Southern monies, a few roads in Louisiana. Actually, when compared to the highways built in England by Roman conquerors or built for Louisiana by Huey P. Long, the Yankee Generals’ highways were nothing. The Roman highways were magnificent, but Long's highways were spectacular in utility and number and unlike the Republican military rulers and the Romans, Long did no evil to the people, did not rob them, destroy their homes, kill them, or load their children's shoulders with guilt. With their money, he built them free hospitals, farm to market roads, institutions of higher education, and provided school books for the children. All this was done at the state, not the national level and did not break the Law of the Land or, for that matter, God’s Law. (And don’t believe the Hollywood version of Long’s life. Remember, if you are capable, that Long, had he been allowed to live, might very well have defeated in the presidential race, that great Socialist, Franklin D. Roosevelt, darling of the Communists.
Radical Republican Senator Sherman and his megalomaniacal-arsonist brother managed to get themselves miles of Southern land. When Grant managed to make himself a pauper, who flew to his financial aid? Why, the grown-rich, hero of the Georgia fire makers, of course.
As God is my witness I will never forget the Reconstruction and War works of the followers of Karl Marx in America---those Marxist- Republicans who, even today, are not given their correct labels, but are called "RADICAL REPUBLICANS." The Marxist-self-glorifying lies are told and retold even now in all the ever-so-proper history books, written by the ever-so-politically correct graduates of the U.S. government-controlled schools. (Yes, the victors do promulgate their lies down through the ages.)
It is, definitely, more comfortable and far less tiring for one to be dumb, to be illiterate, and to have a family full of relatives who know too little if any true Southern history. To be otherwise is to be forced to identify and loathe lies and liars---no matter how highly placed they may be in any nation’s all powerful central government. Loathing on the part of persons of intellect requires a great expenditure of the effort necessary to prove the loathing justified. All that digging out and separating truths from nationally accepted lies is hard work. More work is all that study of the U.S. Constitution and the history of that first secession from an all powerful government headed by the King George—(a secession largely spear-headed by Southerners).
How can Southerners, if white, vote for Republicans? How could blacks, if with Confederate roots, do the same? How can Southerners vote for Democrats when Democrats have altered their spots and now look more fire-striped, more like Lincoln-Republicans than Democrats? How could Americans, noted for being truth-lovers continue to tolerate all who continue to regurgitate Marxist lies and vote them into law?
You tell me.
I could have filled up this commentary with all kinds of references, but since the POLITICALLY CORRECT historians merely quote each other's lies and these lies are always believed, I do not feel compelled to quote the authors of truths. If the reader is interested enough to inquire, I'll be most happy to send him/her pages of names of non-brainwashed authors including such as Walter Kennedy, Al Benson, Frank Conner, Thomas j. DiLorenzo, James Kennedy, Jeff Davis, Steve Scroggins and all the writers for the Georgia Heritage Council, Bernhard Thuersam, etc., etc., etc., and, in addition I'll supply the name of my Daddy, the man who told me what he learned from the mouths of his own Confederate soldier-grandfather and long-lived cousins. .
Some of us long-lived Southerners did have in our close families living witnesses of the War of Northern Aggression and of the Occupation of the South. We know what we know and what other Americans don’t know or have lied about. Sadly they know not, and know not they know not-- but their history texts are the ones taught each and every generation of Americans. The Lincoln-cultists not only give each other monetary rewards and high degrees, they teach the whole world their lying songs.
I just spoke on the telephone with a very patriotic and lovely lady who informed me that she has many Confederates on her family tree. She, also, told me that "Abe Lincoln was a nice man." When I asked her who was the first U.S. president to give us Income tax, she did not know. I doubt that she believed me when I told her that he was Honest Abe and that the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx, and undoubtedly read by Abe, listed Progressive Income Tax as one of the big Commie goals. So Abe gave us the progressive income tax. The tax has a history that is very interesting, but someone else can tell you that.
Control of the minds of the children via public education was, of course, another goal Karl listed, although not in precisely those words. And everybody is aware that stirring racial hatred was another “biggy” for the Communists. This was addressed in Marx’s Manifesto.
Religion, called the "opiate of the people" by Karl Marx in translation from the German "Die Religion ... ist das Opium des Volkes" was, naturally, to be supplanted by total dedication/devotion/worship of the all powerful central government—government worship being the new religion. Interestingly, the phrase “This opium you feed your people” was the creation of Marquis de Sade.
I should have, also, informed that lady that Democrat Obama lists Abe Lincoln as one of his most admired Americans. In fact, Obama took his Presidential oath of office on the bible used by Lincoln when Lincoln took the oath of office in 1861. And that was considered most appropriate by many knowledgeable history buffs.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Joan Hough
Joan Hough
Joan Hough is a Southern lady from an old Louisiana family now living in Houston, TX. She is the widow of two decorated military husbands. She proves that not all "fire-eaters" come from South Carolina.

Let Vindice Be Aided by Me - Part I – Commentary by Joan Hough, 4/28/10
This series of verse is dedicated to the men most responsible for giving me the opportunity to learn the truth about my South.
My grateful thanks go to the writers associated with the Georgia Heritage Council: Steve Scroggins, researcher and writer, extraordinaire; Frank Conner, amazing researcher and author whose book serves as my Confederate-American Encyclopedia; Bill Vallante, super myth buster and dedicated truth seeker; and to Al Benson and Walter D. Kennedy whose wonderful book put many pieces of the big puzzle together for me, while making my hair stand on end.
I dedicate this series, most especially, to J.A. Davis, the brilliant leader of the Georgia Heritage Council gang, a gifted author, whose recent work entitled "The Pendulum Swings, Deo Vindice" was the inspiration for all that follows here.

Let Vindice Be Aided by Me 

By Joan Hough
Heavy, heavy is my heart,
Tears course down,
down this Southern face,
Yes, I weep because I know.
Oh, God, do I know!
Oh anguish! I know the truth,
It strikes me with its too sharp point,
Strikes deep in the heart of me.
It tears my soul, it clouds my reason,
Lying enemies accused my kin of treason.
That enemy of my kin is mine
Always and forever—
As the cross is my sign.
How long must what was remain an is?
How can what was and still is hurt so much?
I hear a long dead whisper,
Feel a long dead touch—
Hear a long dead plea,
Is this too much?
Seek vengeance, seek it for me.
At least, make liars forsake the lie
And with truth, testify.
But how can I obtain what truth needs
when none with U. S. power heeds?
Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord,
Deo Vindice, Deo Vindice
But I must add,
Let Vindice be aided by me.

Let now be the Confederate hour,
Let now be ours the power,
Let us force truth from mouths of government liars,
Let’s light their conscience with heaven’s own fires,
Let us make the people of the world aware,
that Confederates’ truths fill the air.
No matter their races or high places,
let national party controllers
and financial high rollers
fall flat on their Socialist faces,
And remain where they should and they will
“till truth their mouths and their pens do fill.
Let Saint Lincoln revealed be as one forsworn,
A dark angel again reborn,
Guilty of perjury was he, with lips smiling with glee
and tongue dripping lie after lie,
when he and his Marxist-Radical Republicans
made a Republic roll over and die.
Let honesty be a “born again” storm,
centered northeast,
in the land, where slave trade was American born,
‘twas born under the stars and under the stripes,
Not under the stars and the cross,
It began in the land where the Yankee was boss.
Now let truth be reborn in
Lincoln’s Republican land
where under white sails on big clipper ships,
Yankees set forth
To bring home to joyful New Englanders
and their kin, the black gold of human skin.
Think this not true?
Then pray seek honest history,
Please do. Learn the truth.
Learn that Yankees took those slaves
And placed them, some as servants in homes of Yankee “Lords,”
But most in cold, dark, dreary factories and even colder graves.
Learn that in the 20th century
Slaves’ graves were found buried on a Yankee Plantation site
hidden in the center of New York City, New York.

All should learn that in the cold of the North, the children of the Sun
sickened, moaned, groaned and died too frequently,
Were saved only when their care
became burdensome—too expensive
for their Northern Lords.
Then in came the whites—the Irish,
Enticed here by the Northern lords
they worked for mere pennies—penny, slave labor,
They paid for their food,
paid for their clothes, paid for the roof o’er their heads,
paid for the medicine they barely managed to get when sick in their beds.
Black gold, in the eyes of the Lords,
No longer needed, changed and became black dirt,
So, delightedly, the Lords dumped it all in the South.
By selling it, they dumped it—
When they could’ve let their black gold go.
They could‘ve set those black people free.
Instead, they convinced Southerners to buy that black gold.
So cotton could be harvested
And sent back up North to those same mighty Northern Lords,
Sent to be used in their factories
to make all that cloth to sew and to sell
and to pave the way of the fine Yankee Lords
away from Heaven, straight to hell.
Thanks to Eli Whitney, and slave ships of old,
Cotton, the South’s white gold,
Was harvested by the North’s black gold,
And sanctimonious Northerners
Quickly managed to forget their former role,
How they had dirtied their hearts and dirtied their hands
By stealing black people in far away lands.