Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Please Deliver Us from Modern Vikings, Part 2.

by Joan Hough
“Summa pia gratia nostra conservando corpora et cutodita, de gente fera Normannica nos libera, quae nostra vastat, Deus, regna, "Our supreme and holy Grace, protecting us and ours, deliver us, God, from the savage race of Northmen which lays waste our realm” (

The U.S. Constitution and its Republican form of government were so loved by our Confederate ancestors that when that when Abe Lincoln and that first American batch of Vikings—including the elected and unelected Radical Republicans, and the Marxists (unidentified by Southerners back then) shredded the Constitution, Southerners seceded from a Republican Party-controlled nation and formed a new Constitutional government, a new Republic. The new governmentʻs Constitution was based on the original U.S. Constitution with minor adaptations to make the words less susceptible to misinterpretations. The Confederate Constitution became the law of the South. Unlike the original U.S. version, it prohibited the import of slaves and was a testimonial to the gradual ongoing Southern abolition movement.

We Southerners have stupidly accepted and sometimes insanely applauded as men and women in the Yankee north continued the spreading of anti-South hatred—including the Marxist-created lies that the noble north invaded the South to free the slaves, that Southerners were traitors and that the South had no legal right to secede. We have in the last 80 or so years had only a few brave souls make an effort to tell the truth about the “Uncivil War” and to confront those who denigrate our great Southern leaders.

 Perhaps fear has caused our failure to speak the truth; perhaps we remember too well the genocide, the holocaust, the murders, the torture and the fires inflicted on us by Mr. Lincoln and his hired guns, especially those imported from the jails of Germany. Perhaps we fear to speak because we are afraid of a repeat of the Reconstruction evils of our all powerful central government, or because we fear that even our fellow Southerners, well brainwashed with lies, will attack and/or attempt to humiliate us by labeling us “Conspiracy nuts,” or “radical rightists.”

 Too many of our overly educated fellow Southerners, like their northern counterparts, are in complete ignorance of true American history. They literally wallow in historical lies and know not that they know not.
Some of these pitiful Southerners, after generations of Marxist-Republican created brainwash, have apologized for slavery—as if the Confederates were
wrong instead of RIGHT,
          as if all nationalities and colors of people have not been enslaved throughout the world, as if the northerners did not live in the real hotbed of slavery—and the north was not the site of the greatest of cruel slave masters of white, as well as black slaves,
         as if the northern industrialistsʼ slave ships were not the only American ships to bring slaves to this continent –
         as if the U.S. stars and stripes was not the only American flag that flew over those horrible slave ships—
         as if some northerners had not become sanctimoniously insistent on the freeing of the slaves only AFTER they sold theirs to the South to grow the cotton needed to put jingle in their northern pockets and in the vaults of the northʼs industrialists,
         as if a man, Lincolnʼs Top General, a Radical Republican later rewarded with the Presidency, Ulysses Grant, did not free his own family’s slaves until long after the end of the War that supposedly he and his northerners fought “to free the slaves,”
         as if Mr. Lincoln and his certified Marxists, his Radical Republicans and his crazed abolitionist-Democratic tyrants in Congress had not offered the South, via a Constitutional amendment, “forever slave-holding rights” if the South would only stay in the Union, give up states rights, forget the U.S. Constitution, pay humongous amounts of money for the wonderful building or railroads and canals for the northʼs big industrialists, and underwrite all activities of the Radical Republicansʼ all powerful central government.

So the northʼs Vikings, with the assistance of men loosed from the jails and prisons of Europe, destroyed most of our South. The winning Vikings wrote the books, took over the developing minds of our young and caused Americans, even those in the South, to bow down before the idols of the Marxist-created gods—Abe Lincoln, General Sherman, General–President Ulysses Grant, Francis Bellamy, John Dewey, etcetera, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

The lies created by skilled Marxist propagandists are still being brain- washed into little Americansʼ heads in the Lincoln-Marxistsʼ designed and created public school systems now not only in the South, but in the north, the east, and west. The imposed-on-the-South Republican schools were and are markedly inferior to the Southʼs original system of education, which had produced some of the nationʼs greatest scholars and true statesmen. Today, the ridiculously improbable, impossible “No child Left Behind,” plan makes it impossible for anyone to truthfully say that the schools are not controlled by the central government.

No one can rightfully deny that the textbooks are approved by and mutilated history presented by barbarians empowered by the now all-powerful
central government. Pupils are “taught how to think,” it is claimed—but what they are really taught is “what,” not “how” and much of the ”what” is a familiar collection of Marxist-created lies echoed by parrot-mouthed writers and speakers. More emphasis is placed on the production of good slaves for the U.S. and the World government than on producing human beings capable of reading, writing, orally communicating, and understanding good government --its foundations and its history. Learning to earn a good living is, also, important, but is little emphasized—instead even those students with below average intellectual abilities are encouraged to go to college and become brain surgeons, astro- physicists or such.

Moral behaviors are not stressed in modern schools. Truth no longer is important in schools, just as it is not important in the hallowed halls of the U.S. government. Truth in history is not allowed. The 1984 and The Brave New World approach to mind conditioning is the modus operandi. Complacent slaves must be happy slaves. Happy slaves must have sexual freedom, must consider homosexuality and various patterns of sexual “deviation” not only “normal,” but desirable, as so advocates the United Nations. New World Order slaves to be shall begin to learn all about the joys of “free sex” including how to do it” in the nationʼs schools’ sex education programs presented to youngsters at Kindergarten level and up. (According to a December 2011 news report this has already begun in New York Schools. Earlier in the year news reports noted that it began last year in California schools.)

Read Marx and Engels Communist Manifesto and note their 1848 plan for the “education” (indoctrination/brain washing) of American kids is still in effect. The Communist plan to indoctrinate (brain wash) the young was adopted and thrust on Southern children during the decade or more of military dictatorship in the Confederate states when only Republicans were allowed to teach in Southern schools and only northern textbooks were employed. The north’s children soon were given the same Marxist-Republican style treatment.

We have let Americaʼs “Vikings” bring into our nation tremendous numbers of ethnic peoples incapable of recognizing the superiority of a Constitutional Republic as a form of government. Our own” born in the U.S.A.” offspring have been deliberately “dumbed down.” A recent national survey revealed that large numbers of high school seniors believe that Martin Luther King discovered America. Some University government major seniors are of the belief that the major reason for the so-called “Civil War” was because the South wanted to take over the United States government. Others are erroneously convinced that it was fought because the north wanted to free the slaves. PHDʼs in History arrogantly assure readers in newspapers such as “the Houston Chronicle” that the “Civil” War was fought over slavery—to free the slaves. Never is anyone told the real truth -- that Lincoln and his Congress voted an Amendment promising forever slavery to the Southern states if they would but stay in the Union, pay the humongous taxes, knuckle under, and make their leaders shut their mouths about the Constitution.

Please Deliver Us from Modern Day Vikings

Part 1
By Joan Hough
“Summa pia gratia nostra conservando corpora et cutodita, de gente fera Normannica nos libera, quae nostra vastat, Deus, regna, "Our supreme and holy Grace, protecting us and ours, deliver us, God, from the savage race of Northmen which lays waste our realm”(1)

White Christians in Europe once prayed for deliverance from barbarians-- from those raiding, raping, enslaving Vikings, “the men of the North.” Eventually, Christians were freed from the Viking enemies, but only after they took up arms against the barbarian invaders. As long as the Christians paid the Dane geld, they never got rid of the Dane but Christians finally “wised up.” “By the end of the Viking age, most European lands had . . . trained, standing armies capable of mounting effective defenses against Viking attacks. Generally, the Vikings were not trained organized troops.”(2)

Sad to say, modern barbarians, modern Vikings, now live among us and wear American faces. They are concentrated in number and importance in the north, that is, in Washington, D.C.  Is there no way they can be defeated and evicted from our land? Will our God say “yes” to our prayers?

We have allowed our smiling, NORTHERN-CONTROLLED Republican and Democratic Party politicians and their puppeteers to drag us into a type of government known as a DEMOCRACY (another word for Socialism/Communism). They are in the process now of transforming us into the NORTH AMERICAN UNION AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER.  We have permitted our leaders and their true controllers to murder the U.S. Constitution and the Republic it once created and supported. We have sat quietly by as they, the modern Vikings, placed anti-Constitution judges on our courts and reinterpreted the Constitution until it would no longer be recognizable by those who created and originally approved it as “The Law of the Land.”

The originators of the Constitution would never have accepted the present unconstitutionally passed Amendments to the Constitution—amendments passed illegally by the new Vikings and yet declared the law of the land by politicians on the U.S. Supreme Court.  One such amendment, not legally passed, designed long ago to give black slaves the rights of citizenship, has now been twisted to allow non-English speaking, non-English reading foreigners to vote via American ballots written in non-English languages.  A few words written in the preamble [introduction] to the U.S. Constitution-- to “provide for the general welfare” have, due to the deliberate misinterpretations of our brilliant, non-constitutionalist-Supreme Court justices, been used to justify numerous illegal actions of the U.S. government. And then, of course the black robed, legal sages have legalized some weird decisions, for example: they have ruled that because a farmer has grown corn and fed his pigs with it, he has broken an Interstate commerce law because had he not grown corn, he would have purchased it in Interstate commerce.  The judges have smiled as the “general welfare” words casually included the introduction (the preamble) to the Constitution have been used as a green light for all of the powerful, greedy, Central government traffic.

 The original Constitutionalists would abhor the very idea of Amendments legalizing Communist-pushed income Tax controlling the minds of children and removing U.S. Senators from the control of their state. and thus the control of "the people."   These amendments and others altered the entire, original design of the Republic by erasing a vital segment of States Rights.

 Present Vikings and their sycophants preach that all supporters of the U.S. Constitution are radical rightists and Tea Party nuts -- that the Constitution is a horse and buggy document no longer necessary in a changed world.  (They care not that time changes, but people never do—people remain as greed-filled for power and money now as they were in Biblical times.)  The first Republicans, Marxists in credo, knew that for a political Party to maintain power, the central government must control the education of each generation of children. The present day Democrats and Republicans adopted that philosophy and continue where those first Marxists left off.

Idiots/traitors declaring our form of government a “Democracy” rather than a “Republic” would have incensed our nation’s founding fathers who bound down the Central government with the chains of the Constitution.  Those wise men of America loathed all the vices of a Democracy, so never placed that word into any U.S. documents—not in the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation or the Constitution.  They abhorred the idea of giving allegiance to an all-powerful, central government and its flag, rather than to God. They did not believe that “love of country” required “worship of government” and it’s leader.

 The creators of our Republic would be aghast at the control the U.S. Central government has assumed over the minds of American children -- future voters in our nation. Our nation’s forefathers did not designate education as an endeavor of the central government. How horrified they would be to learn that schools in America now brainwash.  They are washing away all vestiges of the culture of the South, the truth in American history, and the teachings of Christianity. They are joined in their efforts by the communications media.
1.  Magnus Magnusson. Vikings  New York: E.P. Dutton. 1980. p.61.