By Joan Hough
We Southerners have had enough of
lying down like passive little doormats while ignorant, cruel, fellow Americans
stomp on us and spit on the truths of our fathers. Now we fight.
mixed race children existing in America today resulted from decadent White
Southern Planters’ seeds, or so is the educated conclusion of History Professor
Anya Jabour which she reports in her book Topsy Turvy.
Jabour in her supposedly “well balanced” and
“wonderful social history,” as touted on her book’s cover, reveals her
anti-South, cultural bigotry and proves herself a captive of the
Lincoln-Republican Radicals‘ myths by declaring: “most mixed-race children in
the slaveholding South were the result of slaveholding men’s sexual
relationships with slave women.”[1]
Oh really? It is an ignoble reality that Yankee
soldiers, during their supposed “great war to free slaves,” planted vast
amounts of their white seeds in black women and girls. But don’t expect Jabour
to mention this in her text, which is supposed to be THE definitive history
text on Confederate women, children and the “Uncivil War.”
With writings such as Jabour’s, there
should be no wonder as to why Americans believe lies about the Confederacy and
why black people and University academicians are so easily convinced they
should hate the Confederate flag.
What so many Americans have not been allowed to learn
is that when the north’s men returned home, they left behind them white DNA and
mulatto children resulted in great numbers. (Check increase in the next after
the War census.) If Mr. Lincoln’s men failed to find willing black women (and
there were plenty of these), they forced their sexual will on unwilling black
ones—as did Beast Butler’s Corporal William M. Chinock when he raped African
American Mary Ellen De Riley. Chinock’s punishment meted out by Butler was a
forty dollar fine. [2]
“Federal court-martial records document more
than 350 trials for rape alone, not including those that may have been buried
under assault or other charges.” [3] One of the worst atrocities was committed in May
1862 by a brigade in the Army of the Ohio, under the command of colonel John B.
Turchin. Two or more Black girls suffered rapes in the Athens, Alabama
area. Colonel Turchin was tried by the
army and convicted for his unwillingness to make any effort to curb his men’s
behaviors, but. . .” (due to Lincoln’s interference) “was promoted to brigadier
general and placed at the head of a new command.” [4]
“Rape and Rapture” involving Southern women of
any color became normal expectations of the invaders. Evidence of this is
found in the University of South Carolina library, which contains hundreds of
personal accounts of rape at the hands of Sherman’s army.[5] Sherman, as expected,
totally denied any raping done by his army of “boys”-including those imported
from Germany.
biographer Lee Kennett denied the presence of criminals in his hero Sherman’s
army, although Kenneth does admit, “some officers believed that such things
were done by a small, incorrigibly criminal element in the ranks, a notion that
has long been popular among the military.”
Several regimental and brigade commanders laid all the troubles in their
units to these “rotten apples.” Kenneth, certainly never present on the scene, comes
to the soldiers’ defense and scoffs at the Commanders’ conclusions by writing
“Deservedly or not, whole units got the reputation of ruffians and pillagers.
In Sherman’s army, for example, ‘the New York regiments were said to be filled
with big city criminals and foreigners fresh from the jails of the Old World.” Kennett
declares that accusation was not true, that the army was actually filled with
religious, mid-western young men –too fine to perform any really bad acts– and
that Southerners were just as bad in their activities as were the fine young Yankee
Interestingly Kennett, also, denies that Sherman’s troops
burned vast numbers of rural homes or homes in towns. Kennett contends that
only a minority of Southern houses in country or town were set ablaze by the
Northerners — and the houses burned “were usually vacant ones.” Fires did spread from them to others nearby —but,
of course, this was not intended, he declares.
Kennett’s historical knowledge, accuracy and veracity is
challenged by the entire population of Alexandria, Louisiana’s women, children,
old folks, handicapped and sick folks who were forced to run, or stagger and
crawl from out of their “unoccupied,” “non
burning” homes and drag their scorching bodies into Red River when their entire
city of Alexandria, Louisiana, without a word of warning, was torched by
General Banks’ “valorous” men.
A lengthy essay could be written just listing all of the Southern
homes in towns and in the country set aflame by the boys of “with malice toward none” Lincoln. Just a few
of those Cities reduced to cinders were Vicksburg, Mississippi, Jackson,
Mississippi, Meridian, Mississippi (totally destroyed) Atlanta, Georgia,
Columbia, South Carolina. They were utterly
ruined—as was practically every inch of the states visited by Sherman, Sheridan
and other fine religious northerners.
The Shenandoah valley burned for thirteen days, thanks to General
Sheridan. When Sherman’s men were not
gleefully burning churches and homes, they were busily chopping them to pieces
with sledgehammers and axes.
Kennett does honestly quote Sherman’s admission of a segment
of the Sherman’s arson intentions-- that if Southerners burn bridges, he had
the right to burn all the houses near the river.
After studying
Kennett’s chapter entitled “The Vandals,” a reader is led to conclude that only
the most wicked of Southerners had their homes burned – i.e. Southerners of
accomplishment and prestige and that such destruction of the property of those villainous
committers of treason was more than justified.
Nowhere in the Kennett index is the word “rape” listed. It is clearly evident that Kennett is
convinced that the fine young Midwestern men in Sherman’s army were too religious
to commit such a crime. He states this
belief. Kennett seems totally unaware as
to the very large number of non-Midwesterners in Sherman’s great, fun-filled
bunch of soldiers—such as those straight out of Germany. [Kennett is a great one to quote if one wishes
to continue spreading the Myths of Sherman’s greatness and Lincoln’s benevolent
There is plenty of proof that in a single
incident more than a dozen-- all at one time, all in one place, helpless,
young, black females gave rapture to a band of “noble “ Union soldiers. The
young female bodies, actually eighteen of them, were discovered in one
horrendously ugly pile, raped and murdered by US soldiers wielding U.S.
governmental issued bayonets.[7] It, of course, is unknown
as to whether the rapture was made possible for the brave northerners before or
after the deaths of the young women.
Lincoln’s regiments did indeed commit gang rapes
in Columbia on scores of slave women.[8] Evidently in the spirit of
emancipation, those “religious” Union soldiers freed those young women from the
evil sexual advances of Southern plantation owners, and arranged for the freed
girls to proceed straight to Heaven. The probability of mulatto babies was
evaded, then and there. This mass murder was recorded in the diary of Mary
Chesnut. The bodies were found on the Sumter District plantation of her niece
and nephew, Minnie and James Frierson.[9]
In the home of Charlotte Hine, on the outskirts
of Athens, ALABAMA the slaves’ quarters were invaded by a blue-clad gang who then raped a black girl. “At the plantation of
John Malone, outside of town, troops went to the slaves’ quarters and there,
too, committed rape.” Several soldiers came to the house of Mrs. Charlotte line and
committed rape on the person of a colored girl and then entered the house and
plundered it of all the sugar…” One black woman dared charge a soldier with the crime, his
commanding officer tried to hush it up, commenting, ‘I would not arrest one of
my men on Negro testimony.’” [10]
There are over 300
such statements made by Mr. Lincoln’s officers, found in the O.R. records.
Colonel John B. Turchin’s court martial report
contains the notes that a part of his brigade debauched the females in the
negro huts for weeks. [11] Turchin was court
martialed for encouraging the monumental horrors his men perpetrated in Athens,
but, instead, Lincoln and his U.S. Republican Senate promoted the man to
Brigadier General in the middle of the Court Martial, rewarding him, rather
than according him the punishment due in a civilized world. The Chicago Tribune
applauded this action, as did a future Republican president, Brig. Gen. James
A. Garfield.[12]
“Debauching of the negroes” was reported by the
north’s officers as occurring in numerous places the northerners invaded –such
as In northern Missouri. Official US military information was sent the
Secretary of War concerning military forces “committing rapes on negroes in
Northern Missouri,[13] as well
as in Athens, Alabama where “an indecent outrage” was committed on a servant
girl and part of a brigade “quarter[ed] in the negro huts for weeks, debauching
the females.[14]
“Negro women are debauched” was, also, an item in the official report of Third
Ohio Cavalry activities in Woodville, Alabama.[15]
Black girls and women in Memphis, Tennessee were
not neglected by Yankee troops. The
military report originating in Memphis read:
“The [white] cavalry broke en masse in the camps of the colored women
and are committing all sorts of outrage.”[16]
General Rufus A. Saxton informed Secretary of
War Edwin Stanton on December 30, 1864: Saxton described the attitude of the
Yankee soldiers: “I found the prejudice
of color and race here in full force, and the general feeling of the army of
occupation was unfriendly to the blacks. It was manifested in various forms of
personal insult and abuse, in depredations on their plantations, stealing and
destroying their crops and domestic animals, and robbing them of their money. .
. . The women were held as the
legitimate prey of lust . . . .” [17] [Emphasis
In Bayou Grande Cailou, Louisiana the Sixteenth
Indiana Mounted Infantry made its presence known to the civilian population
there. Later Mr. Pelton reported to their commanding officer that a soldier had
shot a little mulatto girl and killed her and had also fired at a Negro
man. The commanding officer went to see
for himself if this could have occurred.
He found a mulatto girl, twelve or thirteen years of age, lying dead in
a field. A Negro man on the place told
the officer that a drunken soldier had killed her and he had seen the killing
with his own eyes.
“On November 20, Gen. Robert A. Cameron
reported, “I heard by rumor . . . one of [Capt. Columbus Moore’s] men had
attempted to rape a mulatto girl and had shot and killed her for resisting.” [18]
Who could stop the raping while Southern men
were away fighting battles against Union men? There were no men with guns to
protect Southern females of any color. Lincoln, Sherman, Sheridan, Butler and
other Union Generals deliberately made their war on the unprotected women—even
the pregnant ones and even the ones with babies at their breasts. The brave,
courageous Yankees warred on infants, children, old folks, sick folks and
handicapped ones. Sherman justified his
war by saying, “War is Hell.”
admitted his war was against all white Southerners: ”We are not only fighting hostile armies, but
a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hated
hand of war, as well as their organized armies.” For the “persistent
secessionist” Sherman stated, “Why, death or banishment is a mercy, and the
quicker he or she is disposed of the better” [19]
Extermination of women and children was the
announced plan, so what United States official, drunk with power and blood
lust, really cared about a bit of rape here and there? The Union’s Bible
quoting President or his US Congress, wherein Republican Marxists held the
power, uttered not a word of restraint.
There is
yet to be discovered any anti-rape utterances made by General William Tecumseh
Sherman and his good drinking buddy, General Grant and an entire bevy of the
identified as Mr. Lincoln’s openly Communist-Marxist high ranking army officers
and a multitude of other good Republicans.[20]
These men included: Brig General Joseph
Weydemeyer, Brig. General Louis Blenker, Major General August Willich, Major
Robert Rosa, Colonel Richard Hinton, Brig. General Carl Schurz, Brigadier
General Alexander Von Schimmelfenning, Major General Franz Siegel, Commander
Friedrich Karl Hecker, Captain Gustav von Struve, Chief of Staff Alexander
Asboth, Brevet Major General Frederick Charles Salomon, Brevet Brigadier
General Charles E. Salomon, Colonel Fritz Anneke, Colonel Richard Hinton,
General John C.. Fremont, (Republicans’ first presidential candidate), Spy
Chief Allan Pinkerton, the most famous of the Communist “Charterists,” a
radical group of Socialists pursued by British agents. (Lincoln’s Mr.Pinkerton,
one of the sponsors of John Brown and
his murderous group, certainly made not a single complaint against the
Republicans’ rapist murderers.)
The identified Marxists also included Lincoln’s
Assistant Secretary of War Charles DANA, a close and personal friend of Karl
Marx, in their activities. Dana worked diligently to put the blame for
Lincoln’s murder on President Jeff Davis. Dana was the Communists’ chief propagandist
who got his start while a European Correspondent covering the Socialist
Revolution in Europe for Horace Greeley, owner –publisher of the New York Tribune. Greeley with Communists Friedrich Engels and
Alvin Bovey created the Republican Party and laid the foundation for all the strangely
anti-Constitutional happenings in Washington, D.C. today.[21]
Historians later labeled the Republican Marxist-
Congressmen as “Radical Republicans.” Sherman’s own brother was one of
Lincoln’s most powerful senators. If
Sherman’s words and behaviors, including his redistribution of Southerners’
property and his avowed hatred for women who owned what he considered as too
much fine furniture, reflected the thoughts of that brother, brother Thomas
was, definitely, a Marxist.
Sherman was not a crazed Marxist, he was undoubtedly, crazed. It would not have
been a surprise for some Southern women to learn that, like the Marquis de
Sade, Sherman enjoyed making lampshades from the skins of Southern babies.
Sherman certainly, undeniably enjoyed killing Southern babies., as much as his
“boys seem to enjoy bashing the brains out of tiny pet dogs before the watching
eyes of the children who owned the little pups.[22]
The official records of the United States
military reveal that In Woodville, Alabama the Third Ohio Cavalry [full of fine
young German recruits] in August of 1862 indulged in the debauching of Negro
Rape and Rapture involving Southern women became
normal expectations of the invaders. Evidence of this is found in the
University of South Carolina library, which contains hundreds of
personal accounts of rape at the hands of Sherman’s army.[24]
Black women were raped in the presence of white
women and children.[25] No one knows how many
babies resulted, but as Mr. Sherman’s white rapist-soldiers were reported to be
young men, one might suspect them able to father children.
White Union soldiers were not loath to engage in
gang rape of black slave women.[26] Black women in Georgia were taken by Union
soldiers and “violated without mercy.” [27]
A female black servant of Columbia minister
Peter Shand was gang- raped by seven U.S. Army soldiers, then “had her face
forced down into a shallow ditch and was held there until she drowned.” [28]
Negroes were terribly victimized by their brutal assailants, many of
them...left in a condition little short of death. Regiments, in successive
relays subjected scores of these poor women to the torture of their embraces.”[29]
Jabour in
her Topsy Turvy insists that
the members of Mr. Lincoln’s army fought Southerners in order to free the black
slaves—does she mean free only male slaves?
William Gilmore Simms, one of America’s foremost
men of letters and a renowned historian wrote: “We have been told of successful
outrages of this unmentionable character being practice upon women dwelling in
the suburbs. Many are understood to have taken place in remote country
settlements, and two cases are described where young negresses were brutally
forced by the wretches and afterwards murdered—one of them being thrust, when
half dead, head down, into a mud puddle, and there held until she was
The prestigious, politically correct historians
somehow either ignore or minimize the cruelties the stalwart soldiers of the
north inflicted on the black women of the South. “The poor Negroes were terribly victimized by
their brutal assailants, many of them, besides the instance mentioned, being
left in a condition little short of death. Regiments, in successive relays, subjected
scores of these poor women to the torture of their embraces, and—but we dare
not farther pursue the subject —There are some horrors which the historian
dare not pursue –which the painter dare not delineate. They both drop the curtain over crimes which
humanity bleeds to contemplate.” [30]
In the Athens, Alabama, home of Milly Ann
Clayton, soldiers attempted to rape a servant girl but were halted in the
process. At the home of Charlotte
Hine, “a blue-clad gang invaded the slaves’ quarters and raped a black girl.” Troops
committed rape in the slaves’ quarters at John Malone’s plantation.
It did little good when black women protested or
complained to the invaders commanding officers. As an example of the customary reaction: when
a black woman tried to charge a white northern soldier with the crime, his
commanding officer (under Colonel’s Turchin’s command) said, “I would not
arrest one of my men on negro
Did the fact that Sherman had several regiments
filled with new to America young Germans, many straight out of European jails, [32] have anything to do with
their acts of rape, robbery, theft, torture, assault, insult, and wanton
property destruction? Did Sherman wink, as has been reported, when he told them
to cease plundering and burning? Why was he able to control them in places in North
Carolina, but claimed to be unable to do so elsewhere? Why did he deny any
occurrences of rape?
Perhaps murder, rather than rape of female
civilians was more greatly desired by the great General Sherman. When told that
the great number of corpses lying in the streets of Atlanta were those of women
and young children, Sherman declared such “a beautiful sight.” O.E. Poe, one of
Sherman’s own United States officers, reported this.[33]
Sherman’s contention that Southern women and
children should be killed has been documented and written about so many times
it should be unnecessary to be repeated again and again in this document. To give credit where credit is due, however,
it must be reported there is no record of General Sherman declaring that his
men should seek rapture through rape. Sherman did say, however, “No doubt many
acts of pillage, robbery, and violence were committed by these [his] bummers,
for I have since heard of jewelry taken from women, and the plunder of articles
that never reached the commissary; but these acts were exceptional and
incidental. I never heard of any cases
of rape…”
In the U.S. War Departments records of the Union and
Confederate Armies, “War of the Rebellion: collection there can be found in an
Index 350 rape complaints. This number, in no way, included the vast numbers of
such attacks. Others are buried under murder and other charges. Most likely
most were never reported at all. Winners not only write the history books, they
lie about the atrocities they commit.
In northern Missouri, “United States military
forces “committing rapes on the negroes” was reported by letter on August 13,
1861 to Secretary of War Simon Cameron.[34]
Union Brigadier General William Dwight, Jr.
confessed the crimes of his men in the state of Louisiana. He reported, “Negro
women were ravished in the presence of white women and children.”
In Nashville, Tennessee, sexual abuse of black
women by Yankee soldiers was “common.” [36]
The “Uncivil War,” despite the absolute lies
uttered by the nations’ Lincoln-cult historians, was NOT fought to free the
Anyone declaring slavery as the motive for the war, is
ignorant of the historical truth that Lincoln and his Congress passed an
amendment to the Constitution declaring “forever slavery” if the South would
only agree to pay the tariffs, remain in the Union and shut its mouth about the
Constitution. One or more northern states ratified that amendment before it
became clear that the Southern ones would not. That amendment—the CORWIN
AMENDMENT, almost became the law of the land and the thirteenth Constitutional
In his
inaugural address, President-elect Abraham Lincoln assured Congress of his
support of efforts to ratify the Amendment authored by Thomas Corwin of Ohio
and endorsed by New York’s Senator William Seward. Lincoln said, “I understand a proposed
amendment to the Constitution. . . has passed Congress, to the effect that the
Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the
States, including that of persons held to service. . . . holding such a provision to now be be
implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its [slavery] being made
express and irrevocable.” [37]
[Americans can always trust presidential
statements, can we not? Politicians are so truthful, are they not?]
It mattered not to the “Radical” [Marxist)
Republicans and their Lincoln that “most Northerners had no desire to fight a
bloody war with the South for any purpose, but most especially for the purpose
of freeing the slaves, according them voting rights, and permitting them social
equality with the whites.” [38] The north’s draft riots
and race riots of
1863 [39] proved this.
Marxists in control of the U.S. government
wanted to get a head start on their New World Order by destroying the only
segment of the nation with patriots smart enough to recognize the war’s main
goal––the absolute erasure of American freedoms—the destruction of the U.S. Constitution.
The South’s great leaders knew of Horace Greeley, Charles Dana, Abraham
Lincoln, etc., but were unaware that the driving force behind all of these most
important of Republicans was Marxist-Communism planted in America’s soil in
1849 by arriving European1848ers. [40]
Rapes did occur and they were numerous despite the assertions
of Sherman as stated by historian Michael Fellman when he reported: “Sherman and all of the soldiers who
discussed this issue agreed that almost no white women were raped. “[41] [Oddly,
Fellman failed to add “or black women.”]
Fellman reports: “
Colonel Oscar Jackson, for one, in the midst of entering into his diary his
encyclopedia of the fire and pillage wrought by his men, while acknowledging
that his soldiers exploited prostitutes, insisted that ‘the persons of women,
it is my belief, have very seldom been violated, and I have been in a position
to know.’”
Fellman declares “Sherman
himself, indulgent in concern to most forms of destruction, believed that his
men had observed these limits toward women.
Jackson also added in his diary, I here record my opinion that few of
our soldiers had connection with blacks, very few . . .” Fellman then states that “this statement [of
Jackson’s] seems to be less concerned with rape than with voluntary sexual
self-soiling by white soldiers with black women, which he would have abhorred
more on racist principles rather than on grounds of humanity.” Citizen Sherman. [42]
Due to the release to the
public of the official records of the US Army in the War of the Rebellion, the
denials of rapes by government officials and army generals are now seen as the
absolute falsehoods they are.
Of course, it cannot be denied that, in addition to rape,
there were cases of cooperative sexual activities of Southern slave women and
Yankee white soldiers who, quite obviously. were not interested in
avoiding Yankee Colonel’s Jackson’s idea
of “self soiling. ”
Whether willing
black women or unwilling ones, the natural results of sexual rape or rapture
during the War of Northern Aggression was such that it can, honestly be said
that few mixed-race offspring in the South today were sired by white
Wise readers are, of course, well aware that not
all mixed-race children were sired by white rapists from the north—many
children were but, undoubtedly, but many others were the result of agreeable
black women dealing with “running amuck” white Yankee hormones.
Ever has it been
said by some of the wisest of men, that too often even the finest of Yankee Homo sapiens may be plagued with a case
of “penis
erectus non compos mentis.”
[1] Anya Jabour,
Topsy-Turvy, How the Civil War Turned the
World Upside Down for Southern Children (Chicago: Ivan R. December 2010),
p. 15
[2] Walter Brian
Cisco, War Crimes Against Southern
Civilians: Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican Publishing Company. 2007),
pp. 67-68.
[3] Mary Deborah
Petite,” The Women Will Howl”
(Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc. 2008), p. 65.
[4] Cisco, pp.
[5] Thomas J.
DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln ( New York, New York: Three Rivers Press,
2003), p. 188.
[6] (Lee
Kennett, Marching through Georgia: The
Story of Soldiers and Civilians during Sherman’s Campaign (New York:
Harper. Collins, 1995), p. 277-278.
[7] Cisco, p.
[8] Ibid. , p.
[9] Ibid. , p. 183.
[10] Cisco, pp. 60-61 and O.R. ser.1 vol.
16, pt. 2, 273-75: Stephen Chicoine, John
Basil Turchin and the Fight to
Free the Slaves (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2003), pp. 91-92, 99-100).
[11] James Ronald
Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy, The
South Was Right (Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican
Publishing. 1998), p. 139 : O.R. vol. XiVI, pt. II, pp. 274-275.
[12] Cisco, p. 63.
[13] Kennedy and
Kennedy, p. 139 : O.R., vol. III, p. 45.
[14] Ibid.
[15] Ibid. , O.R., vol. XVI, pt. II, p. 319.
[16] Kennedy and
Kennedy, p. 140 : O.R., vol. XXXII, pt. III, p. 286.
[17] Ibid. , O.R.,
Ser. III, vol. IV, p. 1029.
[18] Kennedy and
Kennedy, p. 140: O.R., vol. XLI, pt,I,, p. 928.
[20] Al Benson,
Jr. and Walter Donald Kennedy, Lincoln’s
Louisiana: Pelican Publishing Co. 2011,)
pp. 167-216.
[21] Arthur R.
Thompson http://www.libertynewsnetwork.tv/index.php/artthompson/item/163-republican-origins.html
[22] Cisco, p. 158.
[24] Thomas J.
DiLorenzo, p. 188.
[25] Cisco, p. 91.
[26] Ibid. , pp.
[27] Ibid, , p. 140.
[28] Ibid. , p. 181.
[29] David Aiken,
ed., William Gilmore Simms, A
City Laid Waste: The Capture, Sack, and Destruction of the City of Columbia
(Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 2005), p.90.
[30] Ibid.
[31] Ibid., p. 61.
[32] DiLorenzo, p.
[33] Ibid.. , p. 186.
[34] Kennedy and
Kennedy, p. 139.
[37] Clint Johnson, The Politically Incorrect Guide to THE SOUTH (and Why It Will Rise
Again) (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2006) pp. 143-144.
[38] Frank Conner, The South under Siege 1830 – 2000: A History of the Relations Between
the North and the South ( Newman, Georgia: Collards Publishing Co., 2002), p. 151.
[41] Michael Fellman, Citizen Sherman: A Life of William Tecumseh Sherman (Lawrence,
Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 1995), p. 226.
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