following is a speech delivered in September 2011 by Betty Joyce Hough Davis before the Vicksburg, Mississippi Chapter
of the United Daughters of the Confederacy.
The speech, written by Joan Hough, was based on her essay
“Confederate Truth” which was published in the Archives of The
Southern Partisan Reader: The Institute for the Study of Southern History and Culture (Executive Director, Timothy D. Manning.)
The essay was also published by C. Demastus’ in his Southern Heritage New
and Views.
VIA the Telling of Confederate Truth
I must begin
our time together by defining a couple of Latin words for you “Deo” means “God,”
Vindice” means
avenge, revenge, and defend.
“Deo Vindice,” then means God will revenge; He will avenge, He will defend.
There is
scarcely a thing you will hear from me today that did not come from the printed
word of some truly great, politically incorrect, new historians who dare to
write the truth—men such as Al Benson and Walter Kennedy without whose words
this speech of mine could never be delivered. . And there are others. References are available for anyone
interested. Please take a quick look
later at the photos exhibited of some of the books containing my references and
pick up a hand-out if you promise to read it. If you failed to view all of the
table exhibits, do that also.
And now it is
necessary that I tell you why the sharing of our Confederate truth is of such
vital importance to me that I dare stand before you and quake as I speak.
A few verses
from a wee poem published by the Georgia Heritage Council explain my reasons
Let Vindice Be Aided by Me
By Joan
Heavy, heavy is my heart, Tears course down-down this Southern face,
Yes, I weep because I know, Oh, God, do I know!
On anguish! I know the truth, It
strikes me with its too sharp point—strikes deep in the heart of me. It tears my soul, it clouds my reason: Lying enemies accused my kin of
That enemy of my kin is mine –always and forever, as the Cross is my
How long must what was remain an is?
How can what was and still is
hurt so much?
I hear a long dead whisper;
Feel a long dead touch—“
“Is this too much?
I, Betty Joyce
Hough, am a descendant of noble, long dead Confederates, still being attacked
by enemies. Horrific wrongs were done to
all of our Confederates and are still being done today. I’ve worried over this, prayed over it, and
concluded that I know how to correct at least some of these great wrongs.
“How can this be done? By me telling you and
all who will listen, the real truth about our South and the War of Northern
Aggression. I know the real truth and I
am compelled to tell it, then, if you tell it too, Deo Vindice!
Confederate descendants have been brainwashed [2] to accept the Lincoln cult myths
as truth. Slavery, we have been taught,
was the cause of the war. We have been
conditioned with a giant, horrific lie to believe a humongous fairy tale.
Time does not
allow the presentation of the entire proof why slavery was neither the reason
our South seceded nor the motive for Mr. Lincoln’s invasion of our sovereign
nation. For now I’ll simply say “a war was not necessary to free the slaves, but
it was necessary to destroy the most significant check on the powers of the
central government: the right of secession.”[3]
War was necessary in order for Lincoln to abolish constitutionally
guaranteed states rights. Why was the destruction of States Rights so
important? Without States Rights,
Americans have no real protection from an all powerful central government.
Proof that
slavery was not the reason for Lincoln’s Constitutional treason, lies in the
very words Lincoln uttered in his first Inaugural speech; he said he ”had no
intention to interfere with Southern slavery, and that even if he did, it would
be unconstitutional to do so.”[4] Proof also lies in the Corwin Amendment, which was supported by Lincoln and passed in
1861 by both houses of Congress. It
promised forever slavery—that is slavery in perpetuity.[5] Proof is, also, found in the
details and timing of the Emancipation Proclamation—not at the beginning of the
war, but in its middle when the north was losing. It freed slaves neither in 12 Louisiana
parishes, nor anywhere in the north—and actually nowhere in the Confederate
must learn that part of the real truth is that the War against Southern liberty
started when the north insisted that the South become its milk cow, and instead
of saying “moo,” the South said “no.”
Our South was already paying up to 90 percent of the tariffs, paying
nearly the entire support of the central government and getting nothing out of
But finances were not the real reason the South was attacked.
Vindice will be ours when we plant the real truth in the minds of all
Southerners and other Americans.
Vengeance is ours when the legality of secession is understood and we
have elected leaders with more honesty than greed and they tell our truth. Deo Vindice will be achieved when enough
Americans learn that the right of secession was taught [8] at West Point [9] and that the Constitution never
held any state in bondage to the Central government— that the Union was not
constitutionally created to be “indivisible”[10] —that Lincoln and his
Republicans lied when they claimed it was.[11]
There was a
dark and sinister motive for that invasion of our South—a motive recognized but
not associated with a title by our Confederate leaders. That motive has finally
been identified[12]—and is being unveiled.
Vindice will be ours when enough of us realize the truth—that a long hidden
cause of the war was that there existed a hideously malignant influence on
Lincoln and his northerners.[13]
Ah, truth!
It is so easy to convince people ignorant of the true developmental
history of the USA that secession was and still is illegal. Most Americans believe every word chanted in
the Pledge of Allegiance—the words of one of Lincoln’s greatest admirers,
Francis Bellamy, the kicked out of the pulpit for Socialism, Baptist preacher.[14] [15]
The word “indivisible” in Bellamy’s Pledge of
Allegiance is a direct insult to you and me and to every one of our Confederate
Indivisible, as you know, means “cannot be divided.” This one word
supports the lie that the Confederate States of America was created by traitors
who denied the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence-based
indivisibility of the Union. The truth the liars do not want us to know is that
indivisibility (perpetual union) was
never mentioned in either document—that States Rights, protected by the
Constitution, was guaranteed only by the right of secession.[17]
Too many Americans believe
that our ancestors were evil, that war on civilians, and its horrors if any
really existed, and the woes of
Reconstruction were well-deserved. Our
own Southerners are unaware that holocausts did not originate in a World War
Two Europe, but in America [18]
with the Republicans’ treatment of Southern civilians and imprisoned Confederate
soldiers. The politically correct
historians contend General Sherman was right when he declared that even
Southern women and their children should be killed and when he and Generals
Sheridan and Grant deliberately murdered thousands of civilians with fire,
bullets, bombs, exposure and starvation.
Americans are ignorant of the truth—that our
people experienced not only a holocaust,[19]
but also genocide and cultural genocide.[20] Too many people think that whatever the
Yankees did was all for the good of America, because as everyone should
know—“the end justifies the means.” (Do you recognize that little Communist
slogan? It should be as familiar to you as another Commie one—“From each
according to his ability to each according to his need.)
Ignorance always holds hands
with the enemies of truth. We
Southerners have suffered long because of excruciating ignorance of our own
history and that of our U.S. Government.
We are the victims of politicians, judges, writers, preachers and
teachers seduced into believing the lies of ignorant, or lying historians,
Political Party controllers, and sycophants.
Those of our blood have been
falsely accused, smeared and vilified—originally by Lincoln, by his Republican
Party members and by addled Democrats. The enemies’ lies, occasionally altered,
have continued as brainwash[21]
splashed on Americans for nearly two centuries.
From cradle to grave from kindergarten enrollment through doctoral
degree acquisition, Americans have been deluged with lies told over and over—ad infinitum, ad nauseam.
And so I tell you now why my
family’s horror and yours really began in our South; I share with you a proved
truth—one our Republican Party itself has kept from all of us so many long
years, it has been almost forgotten.
In the 1800s there existed in Europe and then
in America, a force so evil that it destroyed an entire Southern culture,
inflicted absolute real and cultural genocide[22]on
Southern people and almost prevented the very presence on this planet of you
and me.
This force altered the
meaning of the U.S. Constitution and
even years after the war added a couple of illegally passed amendments to
it. It turned the Constitution into
either a “dead document” [23]
which is completely ignored or a “living document” [24]
to be interpreted according to the whims of Republican and Democrat politicians
including Presidents and Supreme Court justices—who tell us how smart we are
when we are putting them into office, but once there declare us too dumb to
interpret the real meaning of our Constitution or to know what is best for
ourselves, our families and our land.
This force turned our entire U.S. Government from one of law, from a Republic, into something loathed by the founding
fathers— a Democracy.[25] &[26]
We have all been taught that
a Democracy is the ideal type of government—the very one our forefathers gave
us! What an enormous lie! The word
“Democracy” appears nowhere in the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of
Confederation or the U.S. Constitution.
Oddly, we have been informed that Communists fighting in the Socialist
Revolution in Europe in 1848—fought “for Democracy.” [27]
Even as I speak, this force
of evil is still here in our United States, as malevolent now as it was in the
1800s. It controls Southerners by
keeping us ignorant of its existence. It
keeps us guilt-ridden and constantly attacks the remaining remnants of pride we
hold in our ancestors and our Confederacy.
To negate any influence we
may have on other Americans this force labels us uneducated, ignorant, racist
“red necks,” white supremacists, and anti-Semitics. (Never is it admitted that Lincoln and most
northerners were violently opposed to black people. A year after their war started, it was citizens
of Illinois who amended their constitution to prohibit blacks or mulattos from
immigrating to or dwelling in their state.)[28]
This force strives to kill
the Constitution perhaps in a ”Con Con,” a Constitutional Convention, to be
taken over by those who will rewrite the entire U.S. Constitution and turn us
into the North American Union as another
step on the way to the New World Order.[29]
This force is using our political parties to
remove Christianity from our nation. It is replacing morality with hedonism and is giving us a new
god to worship—the god of all powerful government –a U.S. government without
States Rights, on its way to becoming part of a World government , [30]
a New World Order.[31]
This evil has infiltrated the
fields of medicine and psychiatry and every American institution— the courts,
schools, churches, labor unions, the military, and every portion of our
government. It has slyly altered the
true history of the U.S. It has caused
Americans to turn from religion to hedonism and from heterosexual normality to
“learned” sodomy. It has moved Americans from self-reliance to dependence on
cradle-to-grave government care. It has caused Americans to value security
above freedom.
What is this force?
My dear fellow Confederate descendants, this force so evil is COMMUNISM.
Some call it Socialism, some, call it
“Progressivism,” some call it the New World Order,[32]
some call it State Capitalism, some call it “Communitarianism,” [33] and some call it Democracy. Whatever the name applied, it remains that
old enemy from the 1800’s, Communism.[34] Its proponents, exceedingly clever and out to
rake in the money and power given its elites, have created an atmosphere making
folks, who recognize its existence, unwilling to identify it publically or name
its leaders.
Karl Marx declared it important
to Communism for Democracy to be established. He understood Democracy paved the
way to revolution—when private property could be abolished as well as other
goals accomplished, as detailed in the Manifesto.[35]
Democracy of our time is expected to mutate into Socialism and then into New
World Order Communism using the army of the United Nations to control the
Another champion of Democracy was Communist
Mao Tse-tung who declared it a stage of Communism. Communist Mikhail Gorbachev said “according to Lenin,
socialism and democracy are indivisible.” [37]
The real, unrecognized motive
for the United States’ attack on our South was one that a multitude of Marxists
brought with them in 1848 and 1849 direct from Europe to the United
States. It was, quite simply, the
continuation in America of the SOCIALIST REVOLUTION[38]
that Communists began and lost in Europe.[39] Their goal back then was to rule the
world. They failed to win their
Revolutionary War in Europe, but they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in
their continuation of it in America— and they gained their first foothold on
world control.
According to a present day
German author, Professor Wolfgang Hochbruck, his hero-Germans in the Union Army
had declared their European War in 1848, a war for “union, freedom” and
“republican revolutionism.” [40]
Hochbruck wrote that the
Germans viewed the American Civil War as a mere continuation of their Socialist
European revolution.
Hochbruck reported that out of the 180,000
Germans who fought for the Union, an estimated five thousand fought earlier in
Europe in the [Socialist] Revolution.
Hochbruck declared “The failure of their revolutionary hopes in Europe
did not prevent them from taking arms again in 1861 [in America] to defend the
very principles they had fought for in 1848 and 1849: Union, freedom, and DEMOCRACY.” [41]
Redistribution of wealth, of
property, was one of the Communist Germans’ war goals in Europe [42]
so, in America when they invaded our South; they seized all Rebel property and
all Southern wealth. General Sherman’s
acceptance of Communist goals is obvious in his redistribution of the home and
land of President Davis to the Davis slaves[43]
and by Sherman, Sheridan, Grant and other Yankees’ theft of Southerners’
Sherman acted on his belief that all
Southerners should be replaced with Republicans. The Marxist Republicans’
taxation policy carried that out—allowing carpetbaggers and Union soldiers to
buy Southerners’ property for pennies.[44] Northerners came South by train
loads to buy and haul off almost six million acres of virgin southern
forests—for a price as low as 25 cents an acre.[45]
Yankees soon occupied all the land “moneyless” Southerners lost to the victors
because of stolen dollars and slapped-on taxes.[46]
A progressive Income tax was
another Communist goal. [47]
Lincoln liked it so much, he gave it to Americans[48]
as the first United States Income tax. [49]
That very tax was brought back in 1913 and is now the law of our land. Some
Constitutionalists contend its ratification was unconstitutional; at least one
federal Judge declares income tax should be abolished.[50]
How sad it is that none of us
knew long ago of the 2000 Communists called the 1848ers who, in the 1860s took
over the United States. We did not know
of the presence of Communists in high places in Lincoln’s government and his
military [51].
We knew nothing of their influence on the laws of our land. We knew not of their role in the U.S.
military, in Congress, and in Reconstruction
If you think “Marxist” and
“Communist” just words in the 21st century, irresponsibly used to
describe Obama and his Tsars, you have not learned of one of America’s leading
Communists — one of our Confederacy’s most formidable foes--- a man who fought
with the pen, rather than with the sword — Mr. Charles Anderson Dana.[52]
Lincoln called Dana, “the eyes of the Administration.” [53]
It seems obvious—Dana was, also, “the Pen of the Marxists. “
An unrelenting enemy of the U.S.
Constitution, Dana was a man who is still one of the Republican Party’s biggest
and best-kept secrets. His support of Communist goals during the “Uncivil” war
and its Commie-planned Reconstruction facilitated the destruction of our family
members, and our Southern world. He did this by spearheading the writing of the
most revolting COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA ever created. His anti-South propaganda, much of which came
out of Secretary of War Stanton’s office, made reluctant U.S. soldiers wild to
kill all white Southerners.
He set in motion a type of
brainwashing including even anti-Confederate cartoons designed to turn fellow
Americans and imported hired guns—men straight from European jails, into mass
murderers. Propaganda made them, their
Generals and their power- greedy President, perpetrators of a monstrous
Southern holocaust.
As the major propagandist
before the war, during the war and during Reconstruction, Dana was a man who
set the stage so today’s historians refer to Lincoln’s sadistic,
Socialistic-Marxist U.S. Senators as merely “Radical Republicans.”
man largely responsible for horror’s arrival in America. His influence covered all of the Union—the
Abolition nuts, the Republican Party, Lincoln’s office, the
Republican-controlled U.S. Congress, and every U.S. Prisoner of War Camp. He
was even involved with Secretary of War Stanton in efforts to prove President
Davis guilty of Lincoln’s death.[54]
Dana was a high powered, New
York journalist, a co-owner and managing editor of the great New York Tribune and one of the first
Communists ever to be placed into a high position in the United States
government; Lincoln made Dana the United States Assistant Secretary of War. [55]
As a young man Dana, an
American born, second generation Socialist, left the New England based
Communist Brook Farm commune [56] and went to work for the New York
Tribune. He became its foreign
correspondent to Europe and covered the Socialist Revolution of 1848. It was in Europe that he developed some ‘forever
friendships” with two dedicated fanatics by name of Karl Marx and Friedrich
Dana had vast persuasive powers. He and all who harkened to him caused more
battle front related deaths of Americans than occurred in BOTH World Wars and
all police actions since- including Korea and Viet Nam. Battlefield related
deaths during the “Uncivil” War reached 620,000—equivalent to about five million deaths today [58]
a number not including hundreds of thousands of murdered civilians.
When Dana became intimates of
Marx and Engels, they were employed by an elitist group of Europeans called the
Illuminati to write a treatise explaining the principles and plans of that
group. After the book was written and
entitled THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, the Illuminati
adopted the title “Communists” and their creed became “Communism.” [59]
Upon Dana’s return to
America, he became a co-owner of the New York Tribune and its Managing Editor
and hired his good buddy Karl Marx as the Tribune’s European Foreign
He gave Karl the paid opportunity to spread the Communist philosophy and venom
throughout Europe and our northern states.
Dana served Communism not
only with his own writing expertise, but as a skillful procurer of jobs for
incoming 48ers. His was a virtual employment office for Communists. He gave propaganda opportunities to an immense
number of Communist newcomers to America who arrived here in late 1848 and in
1849— men whose thoughts mirrored his own. They infiltrated magazines,
newspapers, labor unions, and abolition groups and were in on the birth of the
Republican Party.[61]
Dana and his bunch put Lincoln into office. This surely was one of the reasons
so many of them were given some of the highest of high places [62]
in Mr. Lincoln’s Army.
When 2000 of them[63]
arrived on the shores of New York, many of them may have been wagging along
copies of the Manifesto. No matter its method of arrival, the thing published
in 1848 in Europe, was published in American shortly thereafter. Lincoln, himself, must have read it and liked
it because once they elected him; he not
only named many Communists to top ranks in his military, [64]
but placed the first Communist into a high position in the U.S. government. [65]
He adopted a number of the Communist planks and made them the law of the
land---Income tax, public education, and redistribution of property, were just
three of those dreadful planks.
Communists fabricated “proof”
for what today purports to be history and is taught in every American
institution of learning.
As master psychologists, Communists remain
without peers in the manipulation of human desires and emotions. Two of the hot buttons they know just how to
push are those of heterosexual and homosexual sex. The Marxists in cahoots with the
abolitionists taught northerners that our South “was a great brothel [66]
filled with sexually depraved Southerners who inflicted physical horrors on
poor black slaves. Marxists inspired imaginative novels such as Uncle Tom’s
Cabin. Intellectually limited or
brain-washed Americans still believe such to be truthful accounts of Southern
happenings. The propagandists reported that Confederate soldiers cut heads off
Union soldiers and kicked them about as footballs and performed a multitude of
other hideous atrocities. [67]
Dana became so powerful, he
played footsies with a few crazed abolitionists and he and his 48ers used them
to create the Republican Party.[68] [69]
On a second try for U.S. control, Dana and his collection of 48ers were able to
put Lincoln in office. Lincoln, in turn, made Dana, the Assistant Secretary of
War, giving him the ability to rove anywhere the north’s military
traveled. While Southern leaders refused
to propagandize, Dana’s written expertise influenced and aided Secretary of War
Edwin Stanton’s propaganda efforts; Stanton rolled out an immense quantity of
anti-South propaganda, even hired a staff to do so.
Dana and Grant saved Sherman from being booted
out of the army for mental illness; Dana and Sherman kept Grant from being
dumped for drunkenness; Sherman and Dana later made the Presidency possible for
Dana had great influence over
Secretary of State Edwin Stanton, Radical Republican Senators Benjamin Wade of
Ohio, Henry Smith Lane of Indiana, and Morton Wilkinson of Minnesota. These
gentlemen and Mr. Lincoln, hearing from Dana of fictitious episodes of
Confederate cruelty to Union prisoners, had the U.S. Senate officially declare
all Confederates guilty of treason and deserving of torture.[70] The Senate passed the U.S. SENATE RESOLUTION
STARVATION as one of the methods to be used.[71]
Had I more time, I would
speak about the north’s mass murderers who were rewarded while innocent
Confederate Captain Wirz at Andersonville was hanged after a great farce of a
trial [72] I would tell you about a young Confederate Cavalry
soldier of Claiborne Parish, Louisiana, my cousin Samuel Mullinax, who was
tortured and murdered with thousands of others at the USA’s Camp Douglas, [73] [74]
and I would tell you about my Great. Great Uncle, John C. Hough of Alabama imprisoned at Rock Island, Illinois and left
blind, and my Great, Great grandfather
David W. Sedberry, held captive with thousands of our boys [76]
in two U.S. torture-camps.—the last one— Point Lookout. I wish that I could share with you and the
whole world the content of a number of recent discoveries of the planned
horrors at U.S. prison camps for Confederates,[77]
but now is not the time. Official Reports (vol.2.73) tell us that tortures of
Confederates were “increased in 1864.” Torturing became rampant in ’65 as the
direct result of U.S. Senate approval.
There is absolute, undeniable
proof of grotesque Republican- approved tortures of our Confederates— the very
same types of tortures our American military boys went through when tortured by
the Communists in Korea and Viet Nam. At
Camp Douglas after 748 of our boys died in just three months, the authorities
stopped all death reports. This was not
even discovered until 1997. [78]
So the death counts are all inaccurate.
To summarize— Our Southern truth
to be told is that Communists, pursuing their goal of world domination
infiltrated the U.S. government, its military, the nation’s communications
media, and destroyed the South because
Communists feared Southerners’ deep
religious convictions, our leadership abilities, our devotion to the U.S.
Constitution and our absolute belief in
States Rights. Northerners owned slaves even after the end of their war—slavery
was not the reason the Republican Party committed treason against the Constitution,
invaded our sovereign Confederate nation, and brought in thousands of foreign
fighters to murder Southerners.
The sharing of this long
hidden truth will not only give us the vengeance our ancestors call out for,
but will help halt the slide of our America into the New World Order[79]
of Communism. The truth shall make us free.
Let now be the Confederate hour, let now be ours the
power to force truth from mouths of government liars, and light their
consciences with heaven’s own fires.
Let us make the people of the world aware that
Confederates’ truth fills America’s air.[80]
Deo Vindice!
[50 foot banner
listing names o Lincoln’s high ranking U.S. communist officers rolled out by two ladies.]2***
Joan Hough, “Let Vindice be Aided by Me” parts I. II and III:
vindice aided pt 1-042810.phtml
http: vindiced_aided_pt2-042910.phtml
Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln: A
New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War (New York:
Three Rivers Press, 2003), p. 9.
Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Lincoln Unmasked
(New York: Crown Forum, 2000), p. 24.
Clint Johnson, The Politically Incorrect Guide to The South and Why It Will Rise
Again (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing,, 2006) pp. 143-144.
7 James E.
Stallings, Sr., Georgia’s Confederate
Soldiers Who Died as Prisoners of War-and angels did Attend and Comfort Them ( ( Saline, Minnesota,: McNaughton
& Gunn, 2008), p. xix.
8. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2003), p. 5.
9 Walter D. Kennedy and Al Benson, Jr., Red
Republicans: and Lincoln’s Marxists: Marxism in the Civil War (New York:
iUniverse, 2007p. 62.
10 Hough, Ibid.[7]
11 Kennedy and Benson, 32. 23, 36, 70, 81 82
90, 126, 161, 173, 176, 179, 189, 190, 199, 217, 133.
12 Ibid.
Ibid. p. 195.
Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Lincoln Unmasked,
pp. 156-160.
[16] Ibid.
Thomas j. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln,
p. 9.
James Ronald Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy, The South Was Right (Gretna: Pelican, 1998), p. p. 278.
Ibid. p. 278.
Hunter, Ibid.
Kennedy and Kennedy, pp. 201-203.
Thomas E. Woods, Jr. and Kevin R.C. Gutzman, Who Killed the Constitution? (New York: Crown Forum, 2008.)
Kennedy and Benson, Ibid. p. p. 6-7.
Hochbruck, Ibid.
James Ronald Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy, The South Was Right (Gretna:
pelican, 1998), p. 55.
Daniel Estulin, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group: North American Union
Edition. (Chicago, Illinois: Independent Publishers Group, 2009), p. 48.(paper
presented to U.s. Ari Command Staff College, March 1947),
[31] Bart R. Kessler, “Bush”s new World
Order: The Meaning Behind the Words”
(paper presented to U.S. Air command Staff College, March 1974).
William F. Jasper, The United Nations
Exposed: (Appleton, Wisconsin: The John Birch Society, 2001 and Kennedy and
Benson, p. 89.
[33] J.A. Davis, “Liberty Lost, Part : Evaporation
of the Republic” Georgia Heritage Council,,
John F. McManus, A Republic If You Can
Keep It. Pp. 6-7.
John E. McManus, A Republic If You Can
Keep It (Appleton, WI: The John Birch Society, 2010), pp. 6-10.
Daniel Estulin, The True Story of The
Bilderberg Group (Walterville, OR: Trineday, 2009), p.. 106.
John E. McManus, Ibid, pp 6-10.
Wolfgang Hochbruck, “Achtundvierziger” in den Armeen der Union: Eine vorlaufige
List” – Forty-eighters in the Union Armies: A Preliminary Checklist,
Hochbruck, Ibid.
Karl Marx and Frederich Engels, The
Communist Manifesto, (New York: New American Library, 1998), p. 75.
Michael Fellman Citizen Sherman: A Life
of William, Tecumseh Sherman, (Kansas University: Press of Kansas, 1995) p.
Frank Conner, The South Under Siege
1830-2000 (Newman, Georgia: Collards Publishing, 2002), pp. 200-201.
Frank Conner, p. 231.
[46] Ibid. p. 167.
Karl Marx and Frederich Engels, The
Communist Manifesto, (New York: New American Library, 1998), p. 75.
Conner, p. 153.
Andrew P. Napolitano, The Constitution in Exile (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson,
2006), p. 240.
Kennedy and Benson.
Kennedy and Benson
Charles Higham, Murdering Mr. Lincoln (Beverly
Hills: New Millennium Press, 2004).
Kennedy and Benson, Ibid, p. 140,
and Benson, Ibid. p. 20, 26. And Gale Encyclopedia of Biography: Charles
Anderson Dana.
[58] Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln, p.X.
William H. Mellhany, “A Primer on the Illuminati,” New American, June 22, 2009, p. 36.
Kennedy and Benson, p. 196.
and Benson.
Hochbruck, Ibid. and Kennedy and Benson.
Kennedy and Benson, pp. 109-157.
Kennedy and Benson
Walter Kennedy, p. 35.
Frank Conner, p. 173.
Clyde Wilson, “The Gettysburg Speech: Clyde Wilson on the Gettysburg Fraud,” November 2003
Kennedy and Kennedy. Ibid. pp. 45-47.
George Levy, To Die in Chicago,
(Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican, 2008).
Joan Hough, “Chicago, A City of Our Dead” Palmetto
Partisan South Carolina Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans,
November 2008, p. 5.
Roger Pickenpaugh, Captives in Gray: The
Civil War Prisons of the Union (Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama
Press, 2009).
James E. Stallings, Sr., Georgia’s
Confederate Soldiers Who Die as Prisoners of War- and angels did Attend and
Comfort Them (Saline, Minnesota: McNaughton & Gunn, 2008),
Roger Pickenpaugh, Ibid.
James E. Stallings, p. 78.
Bart R. Kessler, “Bush’s New World Order:
The Meaning Behind the Words” (paper presented to U.S. Air Command Staff
College, march, 1947),
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